Monday, January 25, 2010

Ordering food

Carla- Hi ,can I help you?
Gemma - Yes , can I have a salad.
Carla - OK and you?

Cristina - Can I have some beef and pasta salad , please .

Carla -Sure .Anything to drink?

Gemma - Yes ,one bottle of minaral water , please .

Carla - Ok . That's 29 pounds, please

Cristina -The money is hear .

Carla - Thank ,have a good dinner.

Monday, January 18, 2010

talking about futur plans.

Gemma - Hi Cristina! What are you doing on Thursday evening? Are you free?
Cris - No , sorry I'm not . I'm busy.
Gemma - What are you doing?
Cris - I'm going to shopping with Carla. Do you want to come with us?
Gemma - Yes , thanks .Is a good idea!
Cris - Ok ,at seven o'clock in my house , bye bye.
Gemma - See you later bye.

asking for permission

Gemma- Can I go to the Extreme Theme Park with Sam?
Cris- Really , how much is it?
Gemma -The tickets cost 20 pounds
Carla- OK, what day is it?
Gemma- Is on Sunday 27th of January.
Carla and Cris- It's ok ,bye bye.
Gemma - Great thanks

Monday, January 11, 2010

A good friend

My friend's name is Ivet . She's twelve years old and she lives in Banyoles.

Ivet is my best friend, because she's nice and happy. We haven't always the same opinion but she always helps me when I have a problem.

I sometimes go to Ivet's house at the weekend . We go to the ballet and English classes together . We like music and dancing . Usually listne to music with her. We met a long time ago . And I think SHE IS THE BEST!!!!!

Critina Comalat

Super - school

At my super-school there are four classes every day .Classes start at half past eight and finishe at one o'clock . We don't go to school on Friday and at weekend.

Today we've fot Maths,tennis,Art and History in the mornig because we don't go to school in afternoon. History is my favorite subject because I'm good at it.

I like the school because we aren't gonig to school in the afternoon .The teachers are very funny and we don't have a uniform.

Cristina Comalat

My day

I get up at quater to eight and I have a shower. I have breakfast at eight o'clock . At half past eight I go to the school by bicycle with my friends . The school starts at nine o'clock and finishes at five o'clock . When school finishes I go to a practise my hobbies and I do my homework at home . I dinner with my family at nine o'clock and wacht the TV . I go to bed at quater to eleven

Cristina Comalat

A brochure of my town


Banyoles is a town in the north of Catalonia in Spain .It's small town , But it's interesting and friendly. It has got a some nice places . My favorite places are the lake and the shops in the old town.

Banyoles has got lots of restaurants and shops . My favorite restaurant is "La Pesquera" (Te chinese restaurant) .The food is very good.

The medieval town of Besalú in ten kilometers form Banyoles and there are some interesting places as the bridge , the main square and a Jewish quarter.

Also there are cities as Girona , Barcelona , Tarragona and Lleida which are very interesting with a lot of monuments.

In Banyoles there's a bus station , but there isn't an airoport or train station . The airport is in Girona at 25 kilometers from Banyoles
Cristina Comalat

An email

Hi Alex!
How are you? My name's Cristina and I'm twelve years old . I'm from Banyoles, Catalonia.

I like tennis . I'm a Federer's fan. He's a great tennis player . My other interests are ballet and playing the piano , I LOVE THEM VERY MUCH! My favorite dancer is Margarot Fonteyn . I think she's the best.

Where do you work? What is your surname? Are you interested in ballet?

Have a nice day

Bye bye

Cristina Comalat

Giving opinions

Cris - Do you think drama club are good idea?
Carla- Yes , I do

Cris - Why?

Calra- Because is funny

Cris - Yes , they're great

Carla- What about you? Do you think they're a good idea?
Cris- Yes , I think that's true!

Christmas Quiz

1.What do Americans call FFather Christmas?
b. Santa Claus
2.Boxing Day is ...
c. THe day after Christmas
3. What is Christmas pudding?
a. A British dessert made with dried fruit
4. What is the perfect Christmas for British people and Americans?
c. A withe Christmas
5.What do British people say at Christmas?
c. Merry Christmas!
6. What is NOT an ingredient of a traditional Christmas lunch in the UK?
c. Turkey
7. What do you do with Christmas stockings?
c. You put presents in them
8. A Christmas carol is
a. A traditional Christmas song
9.When do British people send their Christmas cards?
a. Before Christmas .
10. What is anorher word for "Christmas"?
a. Execlemas.
11. What is the day before Christmas called?
b. Christmas Eve
12. What is a typical Christmas sweet in America?
b. Brownie

Asking for and giving directions

Carla and Gemma - Excuse me, is the Macy's departament store near here?
Cris - Yes, it's near underground exit
Carla and Gemma - How do we got there?
Cris - Turn left , go straight on and then turn right.
Carla and Gemma -Great , thanks
Cris - You're welcome , bye have nice day.

Sunday, January 10, 2010


During World War II, four children from London are sent to a house in the countryside so they will be safe. While they are there, they discover a secret wardrobe that leads into a magical world called Narnia that is ruled by an evil witch. The children join Aslan, the lion Good of Narnia, and begin the great battle between good and evil. The Chronicles of Narnia are a series of extremely popular books by C.S. Lewis. The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe is the frist in the series.

1.What aret he names of the fous children in the movie?
Lucy, Eduemd , Susan and Peter.
2. What do the children find in a big house in England?
They find a wardrobe
3.What's Narnia?
It's world of magic of magical creatures.
4. Who's Jadie?
The white witch
5. What's the name of the lion God of Narnia?
He's name is Aslan.

Complete the text:

The four children are in a big house in England.One day Lucy finds a wardrobe.They enter the wardrobe and arrive in Narnia , a world of magical creaturs and talking animals.They meet Aslan , the lion of Narnia , and his enemy, Jadis , the evil White Witch. Break has put a spell on Narnia:it is winter the all year .Peter , Susan , Edmund ,Lucy and Aslan the lion must Jadis the spell on Narnia.