Monday, December 13, 2010

Charper three: The Graveyard

Tom and Huck will go to the graveyard to see the ghosts. When they arribied to the cemetery, they saw three mans. They were Injun Joe, Dr Robinson and Muff. Injun Joe was sealing to a Dr.Robinson a dead body , because the doctor studys them. It was a fight because INjun Joe would liked more mody for the dead body , but Dr. Robison didn't pay it, and they sarted a fight. Muff hit to the doctor and they felt to the ground. After Injun Joe took the Muff's knife and killed the doctor, and he put the knife in the Muff's hand. Finally Muff saw the dead doctor's body next to him, and he tought he killed the doctor because he had the knife on his arm, he asked to Injun Joe what happaned but Injun Joe lie and said to him he was a criminal.