Wednesday, April 27, 2011


a. Did Robin Hood really exist?

No, he didn't exist. Its a legend and a hero, only he is a actor of a story.

b. What was he famous for?

Because his outlaws wanted to take from to the rich and give to the poor.

c. Where was he from?

He was from the Sherwood Forest near the town of Nottingham.

d. Can you write a few lines about the story?

He lived in the Forest because a cruel Sheriff of Notthingham killed his father. He lost his father, his home, his lands and all his possessions. Because their King was in the crusades and his brother the John was the new King, he was cruel and arrogant.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Help when there's a problem

G- Cristina. what's happened? Are you Ok?
Cr- No, I'm felling bad I think I broke my elbow.

G- Maybe you need to visit the school nurse.

Cr- OK,but Do you want to com with me?

G- Yes, of course coma on!

C- Hi girls. Can I help you? What's happened?

G- She felt dancing

Cr- I think I've broken my elbow.

C- Let me see?...

Cr- Auhhh....

C- I'm going to clean it and put a bandage too.

mmm.... I've finished.

Cr- Thanks, now I'm feeling better.

G- When will she dance again?

C- The next week, you will be ok. I hope you cure soon, bye.
Cr- Thank you very much. Bye


Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Concert of Justin Bieber in Barcelona

Today, on 6th of April it's going to be the concert of Justin Bieber in Barcelona. He's going to sing in the Palau St.Jordi for a thousands of fans. Yesterday he sang in Madrid. Justin and his dancers, managers, teachers, his mom... are doing the World Tour, it started in the 4th of March in England and it's going to finish in the final of May or the beginig of June. He had to sing in Japan but it was canceled for the tsunami, but Justin collected money for Japan, and he helped the this country.He was disapponted when he knew he couldn't sang in there. I'm going to his concert I think it will be great, I'm very nervous.

A formal letter

Dear Sir or Madam.

I am the captain of the cycling team. The name of the team is Never Say Never. I am writing to you because we're planning to participate in a big competition next month, and this is the reason why we are looking for sponsors.

The tournament will be in London in May, with around the 20.000 spectators. I think it will be great for your publicity of you company.

If you are interested in sponsoring us, please contact me. I am looking forward to hearing from you.

Cristina Comalat

The captain of the Never Say Never cycling team.