Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Help when there's a problem

G- Cristina. what's happened? Are you Ok?
Cr- No, I'm felling bad I think I broke my elbow.

G- Maybe you need to visit the school nurse.

Cr- OK,but Do you want to com with me?

G- Yes, of course coma on!

C- Hi girls. Can I help you? What's happened?

G- She felt dancing

Cr- I think I've broken my elbow.

C- Let me see?...

Cr- Auhhh....

C- I'm going to clean it and put a bandage too.

mmm.... I've finished.

Cr- Thanks, now I'm feeling better.

G- When will she dance again?

C- The next week, you will be ok. I hope you cure soon, bye.
Cr- Thank you very much. Bye


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