Wednesday, May 25, 2011

•We made a video with photos and videos of the Royal Family, for got more attention of the audience and did a funny the presentation.
We spent around 6 minutes.

•I looked to the audience but I read a little bit and I moved because I was very nervous.

•We organist the structure chronologically.

•The information was correct and we show photos of the people we were talking.

•We worked so hard before we made the presentation, we spent a lot of time making the content and revising the grammar. I think it was correct, and the vocabulary was rich too.
In a few moments we repeated some words.

•I pronounce all the words properly
I think my pronounce was good, but I was very nervous and some worlds maybe I didn't pronounce very well.

For see the video of my oral presentation with Gemma click here

I didn't prepare any power point I made a video if you want to see it click here


Hello we are Gemma and Cristina and this is our presentation about: THE ROYAL FAMILY. And the last Royal Wedding few weeks ago of William and Kate. The futures kings of England.
Sometimes learn about the history of another country can be bored, but it's more easy and funny to learn with videos, photos and funny moments of their life.
First we are going to talking about the royal family.
Second we are going to explain and talk about the parents of William.
After William and Kate love story.
And finally the last Royal Wedding!

The British Royal Family is the group of close relatives of the monarch of the United Kingdom.
Now, the royal family belonging to Queen Elizabeth, her children's, her grandchildren and their partners.

Elizabeth Alexandra Mary, she was born in 21 April of 1926 is the constitutional monarch of sixteen independent states. She is the Supreme Governor of the Church of England.
Her father was George IV, he was the second son of George V and her mother was Elizabeth Rowes-Lyon, she was came from the Scottish nobility. She had a sister, Princess Margaret.
On 9 July of 1947 announces, the engagement between Elizabeth and Philip Mountbatten. They married on November 20, of 1947 in Westminster Abbey.
On February 6, her father died and she was coroneted queen.
Elisabeth and Philip had 4 sons. 3 boys Prince Charles the successor, Prince Andrew and Prince Edward and 1 girl, Princess Anne.

A lot of people stayed in the streets in London of the they of the wedding of the Prince Charles and Lady Diana.
They married in St Paul's Cathedral on 29th July in 1981, it was watched for 750 million TV audience.
Charles was thirty-two years old of the word said it was a "fairytale wedding" and the "wedding of the century"!!

William and Harry:
One year later, was born Prince William the successor. He was born on 21th June of 1982.
After arrived the second son the Prince Harry, he was born on 15th Septembrer of 1984.
William is the thirdand Harry and fourth eldest grandchild of Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip.
Now William is 28 years old and Harry is 26 years old.

Prince Charles and Lady Diana divorce:
Between Prince Charles and Lady Di wasn't much love, the prince was older, and a lot of people said he love Camilla.
After 15 years together, they finally divorced on 28th August in 1996.

Lady Di was died:
In 31 of 1997, Lady Di died in a car accident in Paris.
With her also killed her boyfriend Dodi Al-Fayed.
The car was very fast because wanted leave to paparazzi and also the driver was drunk.
There are rumors they say the accident was caused, but never could prove.
They also say Diana was pregnant.

Charles and Camila:
After the died of Diana, Charles got married with Camilla.


Love story:
Kate is not from the commode family, they parents became millionarie selling party accessories on the internet. And they were able to pay for Kate to go to the best British schools. She went to St. Andrew University where she could meet Prince William.
They lived together for eight years before they got married. Finally the prince ask to marry with her, in a trip in Africa.

On 29 April 2011 at Westminster Abbey in London Prince William and Kate Middleton got married.
The wedding was watching for two billion people in all the world. The day of the wedding was a public holiday in United Kingdom.
Kate wore a white dress by British designer. William wore the uniform of his honorary rank of Coronel.
The cost of the wedding was reportedly 20 millions of pounds.


We think the Kate and William they have a true love. But Lady Di and Charles didn't love, only married for money and to have succession on the throne. The kiss of Kate and William demonstrated they love in all the world.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, This is the best blog in the classroom. Very good Cristina Comalat Gisbert.

    See you later.
