Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Oral presentation : about my holidays

Oral Presentation Holidays

-Did you used any resources ?

Yes , I did . I use the power point , scribd and youtube.

- Were the resources relevant and attractive?

Yes , because I was util for me .

-Did you look at your audience most of the time?

Yes , i watched because I look for the errors.

Did you read from you notes?

Somtimes I watched it.

-Did you do any movement to hold the attention of you audience?

Yes , I did.


- Did you organize your ideas in order of importance?

Yes , I did because it was more easy for explain.

-Did you use discourse markers tot do make you ideas more clear?+

Yes , I did.


-Did you introduce interestin NEW information to you audiece?

Yes, I did.

- Did you look up ideas in the internet , book ...?

No because my oral presentation was of my holidays and I didn't use the internet.


-Did you use rich vocabulary looking up the dictionary?

Yes , I did.

- Did you use sentence linkers?

Yes , I did , because this linkers help me to improveve.


-Did you check the pronunciation with a dictionary , a classmate or the teacher?

Yes , I did . Because not all the vocabulary was good .

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