Monday, September 27, 2010

Ask for and give opinions !

Cristina - Hi , Gemma ! Look at this.
Gemma - What ?
Cristina - This dress . What do you think of it ?Gemma - Not much , why ?
Cristina - Don't you like it ? I think it's very cool . Gemma - Well , it's OK , I suppose . But what about this watch ? It's very nice .
Cristina - Yes , I think is very happy this colour , we can buy the same watch !
Gemma - I think the same that youu !!!

Cristina - OK , come on to buy it.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Oral presentation : About my holiday

Lucky popcorn

This is the world's biggest box of popcorn ! It was dropped near Tower Bridge , in London , by the phone operator Orange . It celebrates "Orange Wednesday " when Orange customers can buy two cinema tickets for the price of one . The box had a tonne of popcorn inside and 10.000 pounds of prize for lucky customers .

A very fragile record

Don't try to beat this record with your parents' favorite wine glasses ! The record for the most wine glasses held in one hand is 39 . That's how many glasses Reymond Adina from the Philippines held in one hand at a restaurant in Barcelona , Spain . Cheers Reymond!

Monday, September 13, 2010

My oral presentation about my holidays.

Hi my name is Crisitna I'm 13 years old and this is my Oral Presentation about my holidays.

First I would like to talk about my stayed two days in la Cerdanya , second I'm going to explain you about my stayed in Poole ( England) with my friends. Finally I'm going to talking about my travel in Canada .

Cerdanya - I passed two days fantastics with my friend Ivet and my family . We made a lot of trips .
Poole - I went three weeks in Poole ( England ) to learned English with my friends . Every day we went to classes three hours . In the afternoon we made a lot activities : splash down , bowling , shopping ... In the weekends we went to London and Oxford it was amazing .

Canada - I traveled to Canada with my family . We stayed 10 days fantastic . The landscape was very beautiful . We visited many cities . In Todouusad we went to saw the wheals it was very nice . We went to one zoo it was amazing and we touch the deers and the raccoons . And in Niagra we made a trip with an helicopter it was a fanastic esperience.

I passed a great summer !!

-Did you used any resources ?

Yes , I did . I use the power point , youtube, picasa ...

- Were the resources relevant and attractive?

Yes , was util for me .

-Did you look at your audience most of the time?

Yes ,I watched two or three times for correction the errors .

Did you read from you notes?

No , this time I didn't watch my notes , I learn to presentation without them .

-Did you do any movement to hold the attention of you audience?

Yes , I did .


- Did you organize your ideas in order of importance?

Yes , I did because it was more easy for explain .

-Did you use discourse markers tot do make you ideas more clear?

Yes , I did.


-Did you introduce interestin NEW information to you audiece?

Yes, I did.

- Did you look up ideas in the internet , book ...?

No, because the oral was about my holidays.


-Did you use rich vocabulary looking up the dictionary?

Yes , I did.

- Did you use sentence linkers?

Yes , I did , because this linkers help me to improveve.


-Did you check the pronunciation with a dictionary , a classmate or the teacher?

Yes , I did , because sometimes I have some problems to pronunciation all of the words .


Ferran Illa - First he visited Calella de Mar and after he went to Tunis with his family .

Andreu - He went three weeks in Bolton ( England) to learned English , after he went to Egipte with his family , he said it was very hot .

Francesc - He stayed in Can Toni with his friends one week . He traveled to Kenia with his family and he vistied a lot of animals .

Albert R- He went to Bolton with his friend Andreu . After he visited China with his family he said us it was fantastic .

Gemma - He went to Portaventura with his family and his friend Júlia . After she went to Cadaques three days .

Albert Q - He went to campus of basketball . He went to St.Antonti the Calonga with his friends