Monday, September 13, 2010

My oral presentation about my holidays.

Hi my name is Crisitna I'm 13 years old and this is my Oral Presentation about my holidays.

First I would like to talk about my stayed two days in la Cerdanya , second I'm going to explain you about my stayed in Poole ( England) with my friends. Finally I'm going to talking about my travel in Canada .

Cerdanya - I passed two days fantastics with my friend Ivet and my family . We made a lot of trips .
Poole - I went three weeks in Poole ( England ) to learned English with my friends . Every day we went to classes three hours . In the afternoon we made a lot activities : splash down , bowling , shopping ... In the weekends we went to London and Oxford it was amazing .

Canada - I traveled to Canada with my family . We stayed 10 days fantastic . The landscape was very beautiful . We visited many cities . In Todouusad we went to saw the wheals it was very nice . We went to one zoo it was amazing and we touch the deers and the raccoons . And in Niagra we made a trip with an helicopter it was a fanastic esperience.

I passed a great summer !!

-Did you used any resources ?

Yes , I did . I use the power point , youtube, picasa ...

- Were the resources relevant and attractive?

Yes , was util for me .

-Did you look at your audience most of the time?

Yes ,I watched two or three times for correction the errors .

Did you read from you notes?

No , this time I didn't watch my notes , I learn to presentation without them .

-Did you do any movement to hold the attention of you audience?

Yes , I did .


- Did you organize your ideas in order of importance?

Yes , I did because it was more easy for explain .

-Did you use discourse markers tot do make you ideas more clear?

Yes , I did.


-Did you introduce interestin NEW information to you audiece?

Yes, I did.

- Did you look up ideas in the internet , book ...?

No, because the oral was about my holidays.


-Did you use rich vocabulary looking up the dictionary?

Yes , I did.

- Did you use sentence linkers?

Yes , I did , because this linkers help me to improveve.


-Did you check the pronunciation with a dictionary , a classmate or the teacher?

Yes , I did , because sometimes I have some problems to pronunciation all of the words .


Ferran Illa - First he visited Calella de Mar and after he went to Tunis with his family .

Andreu - He went three weeks in Bolton ( England) to learned English , after he went to Egipte with his family , he said it was very hot .

Francesc - He stayed in Can Toni with his friends one week . He traveled to Kenia with his family and he vistied a lot of animals .

Albert R- He went to Bolton with his friend Andreu . After he visited China with his family he said us it was fantastic .

Gemma - He went to Portaventura with his family and his friend Júlia . After she went to Cadaques three days .

Albert Q - He went to campus of basketball . He went to St.Antonti the Calonga with his friends

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