Sunday, June 5, 2011

Dialogue for a story

Ivet – Cris, Cris!!! Can you hear me? I need some help!
Cristina - Ivet? Where are you? What’s happened?
Ivet - I’m next to the lighthouse. I was sailing near the cliff when a big wave hit me to the rocks!!! My boat holed and it sink under the sea!
Cristina - Are you Ok? Can you swim to here? I’m 150 meters east of the cliff but I can sail to it’s impossible to arrive with my canoe it’s very dangerous!
Ivet - No, I think I’ve broken my leg, I’ve some injured
Cristina - Don’t panic! Let’s phone the coastguard.
Ivet - Ok, but hurry up! I don’t know how long I can stand here in a little rock.
Cristina - Ok, Ok, hand on! I’m sure that someone will come soon.
Ivet - CRIS!!
Cristina - Now what’s happening?
Ivet - There is coming a big wave to here!! Help!

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